Oct 2, 2023Liked by Emily Conway

Dearest Emily... it is a blessing to read your story! I am so grateful that you have found your voice and that you share your beautiful gift of writing from your heart...

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Thank you Joanna, me too!

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Emily Conway

This is lovely!

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Thank you!

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Emily, you could have been writing about my journey to writing here too! I always wanted to write fiction but didn't start until I was almost 40 and I had all those words and paragraphs writing themselves in my head too, until I finally started writing things down. Interesting that breaking off your relationship with your mother freed you to write in a way you hadn't before. Breaking off my relationship with mine transformed my writing, and my relationship with it, too. I'm so glad you found your way to the words. I love reading your posts.

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Your story is really encouraging as I do grieve the writing years I lost while also celebrating the ones I have - that I have them at all. My relationship with my mom had everything to do with my relationship with my self (or lack of one), and writing is definitely integral to that self. Again, so helpful to hear someone else say something similar. Thanks so much!

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Fascinating! How our mothers shut down our voices. Whether intentional or not, it’s not uncommon. Me too. 🙏🏽 Grateful you can free the words! More to come…

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Yes, I think it is common, and as a mother this gives me pause and a fair amount of concern. I don't want to repeat the pattern. And I am grateful to be aware of it. Thanks so much!

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Emily, Thank you for sharing your journey. D

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Thanks Dave! I’m happy to do it.

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